2015 International Spring School on Humanoid Soccer Robots
The development of human liked robots, able to do human being behavior, is a fundamental challenge for robotics and AI. Since the start of the humanoid league in 2002, there have been a lot of improvements in the hardware and software of human-like robots. Many successful approaches in the areas of active balancing, compliant control, complex motion planning, team play, and human robot interaction have been developed in recent years. The objective of the school is to give the students deep insights into the current state of the art for soccer playing humanoid robots.
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology is proud to host the 2015 Spring School in Humanoid Robots, a unique opportunity for everyone to learn the fundamentals and get involved in humanoid robots projects - a hot topic for both professional researchers as well as hobbyists.
The spring school will highlight the most recent advances in humanoid robotics research. TheHYPERLINK "http://www.ais.uni-bonn.de/Humanoid_Soccer_School/index.html#" program is based on three pillars: Theory, case studies and the practical exercises.
This year, the Spring School will focus on successful kid size and larger humanoid robots simultaneously, especially the teen sized robots. This spring school session targets a wide audience from all aspects of robotics research including university faculty, graduate and undergraduate students as well as high school teachers, students, hobbyists and also participants from industry. This spring school will be held right before the international competition on intelligent humanoid robotics 2015.
There will be sessions covering the basic theory and lab activities covering the practice of humanoid robotics. The lecture material and exercises are tailored to match student skills and interests. Practical exercises will use the kid & teen sized humanoid robots, the standard platform robots (DARwin-Op and NAO).
Each day will consists of morning and afternoon sessions. Each morning and afternoon session will contain up to 1.5 hour period. The first session will consist of a general topic on humanoid robotics. In the next sessions, attendees will have a choice of covering more detailed issues with the lecturer, or to go through a hands-on lab with real humanoid robots to build and learn.
The organizers also plan several social activities and open discussion sessions which will allow participants to network, form new friendships, and hopefully seed future collaborations.
For the first time, we can prepare a wide internet bandwidth to have a virtual attendance, participation and also speaking for those who can not be here in Kaohsiung, right the time of the Humanoid Spring School.
This can be a good chance for any humanoid robotics researchers and fans to be a part of the humanoid school participants.